Using a Different Palette for a Discrete Variable


You want to use different colors for a discrete mapped variable.


Use one of the scales listed in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1: Discrete fill and color scales
Fill scale Color scale Description
scale_fill_discrete() scale_colour_discrete() Colors evenly spaced around the color wheel (same as hue)
scale_fill_hue() scale_colour_hue() Colors evenly spaced around the color wheel (same as discrete)
scale_fill_grey() scale_colour_grey() Greyscale palette
scale_fill_viridis_d() scale_colour_viridis_d()

 Viridis palettes

scale_fill_brewer() scale_colour_brewer() ColorBrewer palettes
scale_fill_manual() scale_colour_manual() Manually specified colors

In the example here we'll use the default palette (hue), a viridis palette, and a ColorBrewer palette (Figure 12.6):

                                                library(gcookbook)                  # Load gcookbook for the uspopage data set                                                  library(viridis)                  # Load viridis for the viridis palette                                                                  # Create the base plot                                uspopage_plot <-                                    ggplot(uspopage,                  aes(x =                  Year,                  y =                  Thousands,                  fill =                  AgeGroup))                  +                                                                                      geom_area()                                                  # These four specifications all have the same effect                                uspopage_plot                                  # uspopage_plot + scale_fill_discrete()                                                  # uspopage_plot + scale_fill_hue()                                                  # uspopage_plot + scale_color_viridis()                                                                  # Viridis palette                                uspopage_plot                  +                                                                                      scale_fill_viridis(discrete =                  TRUE)                                                  # ColorBrewer palette                                uspopage_plot                  +                                                                                      scale_fill_brewer()                          

Default palette (using hue; top); A viridis palette (middle); A ColorBrewer palette (bottom) Default palette (using hue; top); A viridis palette (middle); A ColorBrewer palette (bottom) Default palette (using hue; top); A viridis palette (middle); A ColorBrewer palette (bottom)

Figure 12.6: Default palette (using hue; top); A viridis palette (middle); A ColorBrewer palette (bottom)


Changing a palette is a modification of the color (or fill) scale: it involves a change in the mapping from numeric or categorical values to aesthetic attributes. There are two types of scales that use colors: fill scales and color scales.

With scale_fill_hue(), the colors are taken from around the color wheel in the HCL (hue-chroma-lightness) color space. The default lightness value is 65 on a scale from 0–100. This is good for filled areas, but it's a bit light for points and lines. To make the colors darker for points and lines, as in Figure 12.7 (right), set the value of l (luminance/lightness):

                                                # Create the base scatter plot                                hw_splot <-                                    ggplot(heightweight,                  aes(x =                  ageYear,                  y =                  heightIn,                  colour =                  sex))                  +                                                                                      geom_point()                                                  # Default lightness = 65                                hw_splot                                                  # Slightly darker, set lightness = 45                                hw_splot                  +                                                                                      scale_colour_hue(l =                  45)                          

Points with default lightness (left); With lightness set to 45 (right) Points with default lightness (left); With lightness set to 45 (right)

Figure 12.7: Points with default lightness (left); With lightness set to 45 (right)

The viridis package provides a number of color scales that make it easy to see differences across your data. See Recipe 12.3 for more details and examples.

The ColorBrewer package provides a number of palettes. You can generate a graphic showing all of them, as shown in Figure 12.8:

All the ColorBrewer palettes

Figure 12.8: All the ColorBrewer palettes

                                                library(RColorBrewer)                                  display.brewer.all()                          

The ColorBrewer palettes can be selected by name. For example, this will use the "Oranges" palette (Figure 12.9):

                              hw_splot                  +                                                                                      scale_colour_brewer(palette =                  "Oranges")                  +                                                                                      theme_bw()                          

Using a named ColorBrewer palette

Figure 12.9: Using a named ColorBrewer palette

You can also use a palette of greys. This is useful for print when the output is in black and white. The default is to start at 0.2 and end at 0.8, on a scale from 0 (black) to 1 (white), but you can change the range, as shown in Figure 12.10.

                              hw_splot                  +                                                                                      scale_colour_grey()                                                  # Reverse the direction and use a different range of greys                                hw_splot                  +                                                                                      scale_colour_grey(start =                  0.7,                  end =                  0)                          

Using the default grey palette (left); A different grey palette (right) Using the default grey palette (left); A different grey palette (right)

Figure 12.10: Using the default grey palette (left); A different grey palette (right)